
Posts Tagged ‘desert’

So since this past weekend we had a blow up with the boy, we told him that we were not going to do a big birthday party with a bunch of his friends like he wanted.  The plan was originally to go paint balling with a handful of friends and then possibly a sleep over.  When the shit hit the fan, we decided to cancel that.Instead, we have decided to invite some family down to celebrate the boy turning 13 years old.  YIKES when did THAT happen? 13???? ugh – hahaMy Mom and Dad, Brother, Sis-In-Law and three neices will be coming for a visit.  Now we’re golfing Sat morning, dinner at our house Saturday and then my brother and his family will stay over for the night and Mom and Dad will head home. This morning I woke up thinking … “shit, now I need to come up with a meal for Sat night, booze (of course) and desert too”. :: puts on party planning hat ::

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